Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Angels of Omegas
By LW Mathias

The beautiful halls of Heaven were in a state of great expectation. At long last, the Creator was assembling every head angel in the hierarchy. There was one more very important item needing to be done. That was to help create the last special envoy of angels needed. They would be used to help usher in the beginning of the final phase of the Creator’s Plan for humanity. Every angel created knew of The Final Summons, and had waited in great anticipation and expectation for millennia for it to happen. It had finally come. In addition, along with the Summons, had come a special set of instructions. They were to take certain abilities and gifts that each hierarchy used and employed, in the completion of their duties and responsibilities to the Creator, and contribute them to the creation of a special new angel envoy. God had created them and felt that it was their turn to have a voice in the creation of the final order of angels.
The Creator always has alternate options in His plan in working with humanity’s free will. There are many variables in play and He needed to employ everything at his disposal to carry these options out. The angels, who were in direct contact and supervision of humankind, were being stretched to their limits and abilities. They needed assistance now. Darkness and evil had grown in power upon the earth and it was getting to the point where Good was out-numbered by Evil in more and more strategic locations. The angels responsible for key believers in the Creator’s Plan, needed help in protecting their charges against the encroaching evil.
The obstacles that Satan was throwing in the way of the Creator’s Plan, needed to be controlled and suppressed to help force certain events into happening to further the Plan. The help that was going to be provided by the new group of Angels would help and possibly turn the decisions and free will of more of the Creator’s children toward Christ, thereby gathering many more faithful believers into the fold. 
Each class of the Hierarchy was to submit their ideas and suggestions to their leader, who would then submit them to the Creator for creation. Only He and his Son would know the final outcome, as they reserved the right to accept or reject their ideas. For they as well, had contributions to add to this new creation in order to preserve and protect the free will mandate imposed on humanity. The free will mandate was inviolable. It could not be threatened, changed, or violated in any way, even by accident. It must be protected at all costs. Should this mandate be violated, the offending angel must give up their existence. This mandate had become known as the Prime Directive. In addition, every angel had had the Prime Directive drilled into them from a very early age. Not knowing about it and its many details and pitfalls was not an option or excuse.
Archangel Gabriel had gathered all of the suggestions and had given them to Metatron, the Creator’s Holy Scribe. Now, they were waiting for the announcement from the Creator. Every angel had received word to assemble in the Grand Hall of the Temple immediately. Finally, word circulated that everyone was there, and the light began to dim and go dark. The excitement in the Grand Hall rose to a fever pitch in anticipation and excitement. They were going to see the Creator. He would be there in person to introduce the new group of Angels..
Just as soon as the Hall went completely dark, a small light appeared upon the dais in front of the assembled angels, and as one body, they fell to the floor in worship. Quickly, the small light split into three lights, which began to grow in size. Soon, the figures of the Creator, His Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit shimmered into existence, separate yet connected to each other, on the dais. A voice commanded everyone to Rise, yet no lips on the three figures moved. The angels knew this to be the voice of their Creator, and they obeyed, yet keeping their eyes downcast. The appearance of the Creator was so bright, that they could not look directly at Him when He was in His natural form.
Next, the angels heard the word Observe. One of the doors in the front of the room opened, and a beautiful, yet very powerful angel in humanoid form walked out onto the dais and smiled. 
Meet the new class of Angels, the Omegas.
Quickly, Each Hierarchical leader gathered around the new angel and welcomed him. He was quickly filled in on what the many needs were, and what needed to be done. He was given the name of Amegas.
Amegas went back to the Creator and soon hundreds of Omegas Angels appeared. A highly specialized academy was built specially for their training. As these special angels completed their training, they immediately began the special tasks assigned to each.

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